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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/01/2016
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Public Hearing and Meeting Minutes
August 1, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Robertson in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Robertson, Mr. Genest & Mr. Edwards
Staff present:          Donna Hanson (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Robertson opened the Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving public input on the Town’s acceptance of unanticipated grant funds in the amount of $433,000.00. The grant is from USDA Rural Development for the Highland Ave/Pleasant Street Project. Ms. Hanson read the Public Hearing notice and stated that it had been posted in the Messenger newspaper, the town hall bulletin board, the local post office bulletin board as well as the town’s website on July 15, 2016.  Mr. Roberts gave an overview of the project and grant. There being no questions, Mr. Genest moved to accept the grant funds. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
Mr. Robertson closed the Public Hearing at 7:10 p.m.
Mr. Robertson opened the Board of Selectmen’s meeting immediately following the closing of the public hearing.
Mr. Genest moved to approve the Board of Selectmen’s minutes of July 6, 2016. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Ms. Dawn Hugron spoke on the history of Mill Pond and the importance of the Pond to the community. She would like to see a committee formed to study what prudent possibilities could be considered to reduce or eliminate excessive vegetation growth. Ms. Hanson will contact Peter Beblowski of the Conservation Commission and the NH Department of Enviromental Services (DES) for more information on what, if anything needs to be done to the pond.
Ms. Anitra Sorensen sent in an application to become a member of the Local River Management Advisory Committee.  The BOS requested a recommendation from committee member, Rod Zwirner before making the nomination. Ms. Hanson will follow up with this request.
Other Business:
  • Mr. Robertson stated that the first day of the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) hearings on the Antrim Wind project is the same day as the State Primary Election, September 13, 2016. Mr. Genest said an appointment could be made for someone to stand in for the selectmen at the election so they can attend the SEC hearings.
  • Mr. Edwards will draft an article for the Limrik and submit it to Ms. Hanson for review. The article is due August 10th.
Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II (b) hiring, Mr. Edwards seconded, Passed 3/0.
The board returned from Non-public at 9:05 PM
  • There being no further business, Mr. Genest moved to adjourn, Mr. Edwards seconded, passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator